An English translation of individualist anarchist Anselme Bellegarrigue’s 1848 work To the Point! To Action! is now available online (see parts one, two, three, and four), thanks to the efforts of Shawn Wilbur, Robert Tucker, and Jesse Cohn.
Incidentally, I see from a websearch that the photo of Max Nettlau at the top of Nettlau’s Bellegarrigue bio on the Molinari website has been widely mistaken for a photo of Bellegarrigue. Sorry, no.
An earlier version of the translation, with Robert’s treatment of some key points, including a different rendering of the title, and the original French text, is available on the Collective Reason website.
Thanks. That damn title is virtually impossible to translate!
Yup. I figure my approach gives me two shots at getting it right. Anyway, it’s an awfully good, witty essay. Bellegarrigue has become one of my favorite writers of the period.