The texts (or approximations thereto) of the presentations at our Free-Market Anti-Capitalism panel at last months APEE meeting in Las Vegas are now all online. (Some of them have been online for a while, but the whole enchilada wasnt up until today.)
• Steven Horwitzs comments, parts one and two (and see also this follow-up)
• Sheldon Richmans comments
• Gary Chartiers comments
• Charles Johnsons comments, parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven
The presentations were excellent and the panel was a lot of fun, as was hanging out with the panelists in Vegas. Im hoping we can do another of these at next years APEE meeting in Nassau.

Charles Johnson, Gary Chartier, Steven Horwitz, Sheldon Richman, and Roderick Long at APEE's Free-Market Anti-Capitalism panel in Las Vegas, 13 April 2010
For bigger (much bigger) pictures of the panel, see here, here, and here.