The texts (or approximations thereto) of the presentations at our Free-Market Anti-Capitalism panel at last months APEE meeting in Las Vegas are now all online. (Some of them have been online for a while, but the whole enchilada wasnt up until today.)
• Steven Horwitzs comments, parts one and two (and see also this follow-up)
• Sheldon Richmans comments
• Gary Chartiers comments
• Charles Johnsons comments, parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven
The presentations were excellent and the panel was a lot of fun, as was hanging out with the panelists in Vegas. Im hoping we can do another of these at next years APEE meeting in Nassau.

Charles Johnson, Gary Chartier, Steven Horwitz, Sheldon Richman, and Roderick Long at APEE's Free-Market Anti-Capitalism panel in Las Vegas, 13 April 2010
For bigger (much bigger) pictures of the panel, see here, here, and here.
The second picture has a line through it that I think isn’t in the original; it seems to be an artefact of uploading. I’ll try to fix it when I’m back at the office.
Okay, I fixed it.
Yesterday I complained on fejsbuk with regard to Ross Kenyon writing “the whole so-and-so chimichanga”. Now here I am with a freaking enchilada in my face today. It really isn’t fair.
Things to miss when expatriating to central Europe: 1: Real mexican food. 2: see 1.
Next time I’ll say “the whole piroh.”
Kind of you, in the broadest sense. For some reason, whenever I’m at your site, I’m thinking about foods that are presently unavailable. I sense an even greater conspiracy.
What would it take to get all of you fine folks to appear at an event all wearing suits and ties? Would liquor be required?
Huge gobs of cash would probably work too.
C’mon lottery. Or time machine. Whichever is easier.
I wore a tie. Not pushed all the way up, but
it was a tie. I almost didn’t wear one because I heard that in Vegas ties pay the dealer.
I’ve heard that when you’re playing round games, he calls you bad names when you tell him that.
In any case, I didn’t wear a Thai because it sounded like a violation of the second formulation of the categorical imperative.
Probably Volstagg.
@dennis: one MILLION dollars, inflation-adjusted, and divided equitably among the appearees. Liquor to come out of the $1m budget, except for my share, of course.
@TINTIN: There are no horse gods, there is only Zuul.
The texts are now online… wait, where online? Which link has them online?
Hey, Dr. Roderick why are you not in the center?
You are undoubtedly the the most imposing , representative, and solid man among the gang. Not speaking that you are a philosopher (that is a guy who can tell epistemology from methodology and Coca from Pepsi.) Not speaking that you are the tallest ( if we define “height” as not only Y but also X and Z detentions) among your pals.
So I think your proper place is in the center. A conical hat, medals, and mics applied.
He-he..sorry, I’m just kidding!
Thanks to a Straussian reading of this photograph, I have discovered that Steve Horwitz’s remarks, which were read from the center of the table, were the most important remarks in the panel.
My Straussian master plan has been revealed!!! 🙂
I meant “dimensions”.
Nice button! 😀
You would think that five years into the Youtube era someone would have set up a video camera.