Archive | August, 2011

Let the Work of Government Begin

Britain’s current PM came to power wrapping himself in anti-big-government rhetoric. No surprise that once in power he talks a bit differently:

In an emergency meeting of the House of Commons, David Cameron indicated that the police could be given powers to shut down social networks during times of unrest, and widen officers’ remit to compel people to remove face coverings.

Adam Sutler in V FOR VENDETTA

Remember how the Western political establishment spoke in a unified voice of condemnation when governments in Egypt and Iran shut down social media networks like Twitter in an attempt to prevent protestors from coordinating? Double standard, anyone?

“This is a time for our country to pull together,” said Cameron, praising those who had taken to the streets to defend their communities from thugs.

Cameron’s praise for those who “had taken to the streets to defend their communities from thugs” seems a bit selective. After all, the riots began as protests against murderous thugs in police uniforms; but I doubt that Cameron meant to be praising the protestors – or encouraging his subjects to take to the streets to defend free communication against Cameron’s own thuggish plans for censorship.

Let’s Ignore Hitler

San Diego harbor

Libertopia, the marvelously radical libertarian event where I’ll be speaking again this year (21-23 October, in San Diego; y’all should come!), has a blog for speakers. My first post, Beyond Government, is up now.

Check out some of the other entries too; I particularly like Gary Chartier’s, Spencer MacCallum’s, and Stefan Molyneux’s.

Flaming Toadstools of Justice

Here are some ethical conundra I’ve been pondering. Thoughts?

1. Consider the following three cases:

Journey to the Center of the Earth

a. I invite you to my house for dinner. When you arrive, I serve you a casserole made from (what I know to be) poisonous toadstools. You eat it, and consequently die.

b. We encounter each other in the forest. You mention that you’re hungry. I point to (what I know to be) poisonous toadstools, and ask why you don’t eat some of those. You say you can’t tell which things of that sort are safe to eat and which aren’t. “Oh, I’m an expert,” I assure you, “and I can guarantee that those ones are safe.” So you eat some, and consequently die.

c. I post a picture of (what I know to be) poisonous toadstools on my blog, and announce: “Some people think these are poisonous, but in my opinion they’re perfectly safe.” So when you come across some toadstools that match the picture I posted, you eat them, and consequently die.

Let’s say (though of course you needn’t) that I violate your rights in case (a), where I lead you to eat a poisonous substance without your knowledge, but not in case (c), where I merely exercise my right of free speech to state my opinion, and leave you to make your own judgment.

But what about case (b)? Does it involve a rights-violation or not? In other words, is it more like case (a), or more like case (c)?

On the one hand it seems more like (a), because I’m offering you a kind of assurance. Yet it’s not exactly a contract; I receive no good or service in trade from you. And what about:

d) I tell you, “I’ve received a revelation from Zeus, and if you recite the following formula for 90 minutes a day, I can guarantee that you’ll get into heaven when you die.” So you waste 90 minutes every day reciting my formula – and when you die you go to hell like the stinker you are.

Have I violated your rights in case (d)? If not, how is case (b) different? (Do reasonable expectations as to what people are in a position to guarantee come into it?)

2. The usual libertarian explanation as to why it’s a rights-violation to yell “fire!” in a crowded theatre is that doing so violates the theatre owner’s property rights. Or, if the owner is the one doing the yelling, then her doing so violates her implicit contract with the customers.

house and truck on fire

But what if the theatre is unowned? What if it’s even a never-homesteaded natural structure – some sort of narrow, thickly wooded canyon through which a bunch of (non-contractually-bound) people are travelling – where yelling “fire!” would have the same destructive effects as in a theatre?

And is this like case (1b) above, or are they different?

3. For this one, assume IP is illegitimate. You write a novel, and Warner Bros. makes a movie out of it without your permission.

Is it wrong for you to sue the studio, because you’d be practicing censorship? Or is it okay for you to sue them, because they sue people over IP all the time (and indeed will sue unauthorised distributors of this very movie), so you’re just giving them a taste of their own medicine – or liberating some illicitly held property?

And does it make a difference whether you’re suing to demand a) money, b) an injunction to prohibit the film, or c) the film’s release under a Creative Commons license?

Thinking Outside the Box?

I don’t think the following counts as a spoiler, since it’ll be virtually impossible for any Doctor Who fan to avoid knowing it for long.

Amy and Rory

We’ve had plenty of evidence that Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill (Amy and Rory) are leaving the show. (They’ve each accepted other roles, and they’ve each referred to Doctor Who in the past tense in interviews.)

Yet as I’ve previously reported, we’ve also had good evidence that they’re not leaving, or at least that Karen isn’t – namely, Karen’s explicit statement that she’s coming back after the end of the current series.

This news item clears up the confusion. (CHT TARDIS Newsroom.) You know me, I love the reconciliation of A and non-A.

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