Archive | August, 2011

Preserved in JARS

The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies now has online archives. Here, selfishly (appropriately), is a list of links to my own JARS articles over the past decade:

The Benefits and Hazards of Dialectical Libertarianism (2.2, Spring 2001)

Keeping Context In Context: The Limits of Dialectics (3.2, Spring 2002)

Praxeology: Who Needs It (6.2, Spring 2005)

Reference and Necessity: A Rand-Kripke Synthesis? (7.1, Fall 2005)

A Beauty Contest For Dichotomies: Browne’s Terminological Revolutions (8.1, Fall 2006)

Interpreting Plato’s Dialogues: Aristotle versus Seddon (10.1, Fall 2008)

Most of those were my side of debates with other people, so you should probably go read their side too. Plus lots of other good stuff. Here.

The 13th Floor

I’m not a Ron Paul supporter – and his lengthy attack on the self-ownership rights of pregnant women on Piers Morgan’s show tonight didn’t exactly inspire me to change my mind – but I nevertheless have to cheer Jon Stewart’s attack a few minutes ago on the attempted media blackout of Paul’s campaign.

There’ll presumably be a higher-quality version of this available later, but here’s what’s online right now:

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