Archive | July, 2011

How the Daleks Stole Christmas

Maybe it’s not quite as iconically, surreally, perversely enjoyably awful as Leonard Nimoy’s Bilbo ballad, but the Dalek Christmas song – by the Go-Go’s (but not the proper Go-Go’s), from 1964 – is still a blight upon the face of the universe. So of course I have to inflict it on you:

The only bearable part is the bit where they’re ripping off the Peter Gunn theme.

If You Prick Us, Do We Not Burst?

bubbles merging

Jesse Walker’s latest column does a great of replying to internet critics like Eli Pariser, Andrew Shapiro, and Cass Sunstein, who think the internet is isolating us from viewpoints we disagree with.

You can post a comment disagreeing with him, but I won’t read it.

Fourth Rock From the Sun

Here’s the first trailer for John Carter of Mars (or John Carter, as they’re calling it now, though the logo is still “JCM”):

It looks enough like Barsoom to make me hopeful, and enough unlike Barsoom to make me pessimistic.

You can see it bigger and prettier here.

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