The schedule is up for this coming April’s Las Vegas APEE conference at which Gary Chartier, Steve Horwitz, Charles Johnson, Sheldon Richman, and I will be holding forth at our panel on Free-Market Anti-Capitalism (whatever that is).
Note that the venue has changed from Bally’s to Caesar’s. I don’t know the reason, but I’m glad of it, since I’ll probably be staying at the other end of the strip, and it’ll be easier to take the bus straight down the strip to Caesar’s rather than first taking it to Caesar’s, then taking the overpass to the other side of the street, and finally taking the boom tube to Bally’s. (Plus I confess I’m fond of the Forum Shops at Caesar’s, with their fake-sky ceilings perpetually cycling between day and night – boldly straddling, like so many things in Vegas, that treacherous line between the charming and the tacky.)
In related news, I see that they have a number of 7:40 a.m. sessions. I’m grateful that ours isn’t one of them.
Free Market Anti-Capitalism, eh? Sounds catchy.
Yeah, stop ripping off our title, dude. We homesteaded it when you briefly stepped off it.
Sounds like it will be a good trip, but I’m not encouraged by some of the adjacent panels to your own listed on the APEE webpage:
“Bootleggers and Baptists: Does Life Imitate Scholarship?”
“Film and Freedom”
“New Macro”
Not clear on what precisely that term entails.
“Capitalism is an economic system
in which the means of production are privately owned…”
Perhaps you could quantify “Anti-Capitalism” ?
Thanks for your time on this…
See the panel comments, and in this case especially Gary’s.