Archive | April, 2008

The Revolution Comes to Las Vegas

Alliance of the Libertarian Left I’m pleased to announce a new ALL affiliate, the Southern Nevada Alliance of the Libertarian Left. (Check out Charles Johnson’s blog for a description of their tax day activism.) I’ve posted the new link on

In related news, does anyone have current info on ALL’s earlier affiliates, the Kansas City Libertarian Alliance and the Richmond Left Libertarian Alliance? Their websites seem to be dead. And are there any other ALL affiliates out there whose info should be posted on

You Can’t Spell RUWART Without WAR

Healing Our World - old and new editions Mary Ruwart’s candidacy is a great opportunity to promote her book Healing Our World. (Obviously her book can also be used to promote her candidacy, but for those of us whose chief strategic focus is social transformation in the long run rather than winning votes in the short run, the first way of putting it is more salient.) Buy the new edition, Healing Our World in an Age of Aggression (plus extra copies to inflict on your friends, especially your liberal/lefty friends), or read the earlier edition, Healing our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle, for free online (and send the link around). (By the way, although the new edition is a fair bit longer than the old one, it’s not quite as thick as the accompanying pic would imply.)

This is an especially good book to introduce to people who think that free-market policies benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. (Plus Ruwart manages to make radical positions seem friendly and unthreatening, unlike some libertarians spokesfolk who manage to make even fairly moderate positions sound alarming.)

The Thin Blue Imaginary Line

scarecrow Since the Auburn shooting last month, they’ve been stepping up campus security here. The principal form this seems to take is the multiplication of police cars parked all over campus.

The puzzling thing is that all these parked police cars are, well … empty. Are they supposed to work like scarecrows or something? I don’t get it.

All Of This Has Happened Before

Starbuck and friend I“ve previously linked to descriptions of, and video clips from, several crucial episodes of the original Galactica series that shed light on recent events in the current Galactica universe.

The videos have since been yanked from YouTube for copyright reasons, and the descriptions have lapsed into nonbeing along with their website, Sheba’s Galaxy; but the latter at least are still accessible via Internet Archive. There are also more recent descriptions at the Battlestar Wiki. Check ’em out to see what inspiration Ron Moore is drawing on for current storylines involving gods and chosen ones. (The Sheba pages have lost their dark background and will be more readable if you highlight them.)

Lost Planet of the Gods: Sheba synopsis; Wiki synopsis part 1; Wiki synopsis part 2

War of the Gods: Sheba synopsis, Wiki synopsis part 1, Wiki synopsis part 2

The Return of Starbuck: Sheba synopsis; Wiki synopsis

The Wheel of Fire: Sheba synopsis; Wiki synopsis

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