Heres some news about the Atlas Shrugged movie, plus a cast list.
The news looks slightly better than I originally feared i.e. the budget is more than the initially reported $5 million, they plan to make more than one movie, Francisco is in the script after all, etc. Still not especially optimistic.
P.S. As a corrective to Rand’s monochrome world, they’re making Eddie Willers black. Peikoff had previously suggested making Cherryl Brooks black. But those are both relatively weak characters; I’d always wanted to make Ellis Wyatt black, though others have done me one better.
I always imagined Hugh Akston as Roderick Long.
“Slender and tall,” a “lean face,” “cold, observant eyes,” and a “look of courteous sternness” — yup, that’s me.
Well, you do physically have “cold, observant eyes,” and a “look of courteous sternness” sometimes. And now it just seems like I’m hitting on you. 🙂
I was going more on you as channel to the Master Knower.
Maybe I’m focusing on nonessentials, but when I watch an interview with the director and hear him mispronounce Rand’s first name and describe her heroes and heroines as being beyond good and evil, I worry that this won’t end well.
Egad. Where did you see this interview?
Here’s the link to the part of the interview I was talking about. There’s video in the second part: