GARY (chartier and charles) JOHNSON 2012. (Sorry.)
Check out two recent interviews, one with Charles and Gary and one just with Charles.
GARY (chartier and charles) JOHNSON 2012. (Sorry.)
Check out two recent interviews, one with Charles and Gary and one just with Charles.
I mentioned a while ago on Charles’ sight, that I think it would be very fruitful if he (and any other “left” libertarian) could get on “The Alyona Show” on RT America (Russia Today) television:
If anyone is not familiar with her show, please check it out. Alyona Minkovski’s views are similiar to Glenn Greenwald’s (who has also appeared on the show), and she regularly has Cato Institute people on. Guests appear via satellite video, Internet video, or in person.
Another show on the same network is “Capital Account” with Lauren Lyster.
Lew Rockwell(!) has been interviewd several times by Lyster.
In fact, the whole RT America channel seems very libertarian friendly.
It’s probably the only place to find any Ron Paul news on an actual TV network (non-mainstream though it may be). In Canada, on the Bell satellite provider, RT is part of the basic service (i.e. if you’re subscribing to Bell, then you automatically get RT). This provides a lot of potential outreach.
Richard G.