My friend William Gillis writes to me:
For over a decade Ive frequented The Red & Black Cafe in Portland an IWW, explicitly anarchist, worker-owned coop and over the years theyve faced all the sort of police harassment and surveillance youd expect for a venue catering to radical activists.

Recently a uniformed police officer entered the cafe ostensibly to buy a cup of coffee I can only imagine the horrified looks and was politely asked to leave by one of the workers/managers. PDX police have recently committed more than a few outrageous murders and the worker explained with infinite patience that a cop made his clientele feel like they were in danger.
For some reason this seems to be setting off a shitstorm of national-level outrage with coverage on major news networks and blogs. I have good friends on staff and their phones are ringing off the hook with death threats. Mainstream conservative and liberal pundits have talked of showing up with weapons to start a confrontation. Frankly my brain clouds over with rage every time I read the fractally idiotic comments or threats.
My friends could really use some support; in this environment some kind words or awareness from those who arent fanatical devotees of the police state would go a long way. Id really appreciate it if you could use the magical reach of your blog.
Here are some links that dont directly send me into a rage-coma: 1, 2, 3
I have nothing to add except ditto. Please lets do what we can to support the Red & Black Café against this crap.