Quick postscript on Molinari/C4SS doings: we’ve also signed a promotion deal with the Motorhome Diarists’ Liberty on Tour project; details here.
Archive | June, 2010
Merchant’s Lunch
The proper libertarian attitude toward the Civil Rights Act, lunchcounter sit-ins, and Rand Paul’s comments thereon – a topic debated in these pages a month ago – is the subject of this month’s Cato Unbound. Up so far are posts by David Bernstein (defending anti-discrimination laws in certain contexts, while at the same time defending libertarian opponents of such laws against the charge of racism) and Sheldon Richman (opposing anti-discrimination laws while defending direct action against discriminatory establishments). Responses by Jason Kuznicki and Jeffrey Miron are forthcoming.
These exchanges should be mandatory reading (using “mandatory” metaphorically, of course) for both Rand Paul and Rachel Maddow.
Radio Free Stateless
The latest on C4SS’s media outreach.
Our President Laureate, Part 2
Here’s that Jon Stewart video on Obama that I mentioned earlier.
Atlas Shrunk
Sometimes the good news is worse than the bad news.
(Note that in this case the badness is in part the result of IP; they had to go ahead with a half-ass production to prevent the rights from reverting.)
This Scene Looks Familiar
So did the TARDIS get here just before the Galactica arrived or just after it left?