Boomtube to Bally's
Im organising a panel on the topic of Free-Market Anti-Capitalism? (I put in the question mark to make it less scary for the faint of heart) at APEEs next conference (11-13 April, 2010, in Las Vegas); Ive got Sheldon Richman, Charles Johnson, and Shawn Wilbur lined up as presenters, and Steve Horwitz as discussant. (I plan just to moderate rather than present, unless someone drops out.)
Technically this is a proposed panel rather than a definite one, but when I first inquired about how to propose a panel, the response I received read, in part, Im very glad to know that you will be organizing a session for APEE 2010. Thanks for your interest and your efforts. I look forward to seeing you in Vegas, followed by info about uploading the panel details to the APEE website, so Im guessing approval is fairly pro forma.
It’s a catchy title.
Roderick, you’re clearly infringing on Kevin’s intellectual property here. Kindly cease and desist.
Nope, it’s been two days since he updated his blog, which means he’s abandoned his property in the title “Free-Market Anti-Capitalism,” and so I’m now squatting on it. Plus I’ve laboured to add “improvements” (i.e. the question mark).
Hey, that’s our question mark — used continuously since February 2009, as you can plainly see — which you are using without attribution.
Expect a call from our lawyers (all of the lawyers we have) soon.
Ah, but yours says “Free Market Anti-Capitalism?” while mine says “Free-Market Anti-Capitalism?”; the hyphen makes all the difference. (And now that I think about it, Kevin’s version doesn’t have a hyphen either.) So they’re no more connected than Walmart and Wal-Mart.
Expect a call from our lawyers (all of the lawyers we have) soon.
All my armed battalions enjoy fun with universal quantifiers too.
Hey you guys, I invented the question mark, and I am totally suing everybody.
Who’s the panel member who stole my name?
Apparently it’s this guy, who is obviously some sort of dangerous punk rocker and not the respectable editor of The Freeman.
I heard Sheldon Richman used to be in one of those furry diaper heavy metal bands, you know, like Man o’ War.
Oh, him. Yes, he’s been brought to my attention before. Austro-punkism, I think it’s called.
So are Kevin Carson’s radical reinterpretations of Austrian economics an example of “Austro-punkism”?
Argh. This whole debate between Salerno and Boettke is a dialogue of the deaf. Don’t get me started.
Funny in the book in that link honoring Hans-Hermann Hoppe there is an essay by Sean Gabb where he attacks limited liability and says some very Carson-like things about big business; very surprised to see this in a book honoring Hoppe considering how Kevin Carson is regarded at the LvMI.
Anon73: sorry to disappoint. Huelsmann and I, as well as Hoppe, all like and respect Gabb, though I have politely debated related topics with him previously: Sean Gabb’s Thoughts on Limited Liability; also this post and related others collected at Legitimizing the Corporation and Other Posts.
BTW, Anon73, Carson has been mentioned politely and often favorably many times at e.g. my post here; and he was published and discussed in the Mises Institute’s Journal of Libertarian Studies. No need to unfairly demonize us (say, this isn’t Tom Palmer, is it?)
I don’t think Tom P. has ever referred to Kevin Carson either positively or negatively.
(Qualification for philosophers: well, except when he has used phrases like “everybody” which in fact refer inter alia to Kevin Carson.)
Not quite, you’re forgetting the “universe of discourse”. If I come to a meeting and say “everybody is here”, my statement is correct even though the Pope is not there, because there is an implied universe to the use of “everybody” or “somebody” in English.
I wouldn’t know — I’ve never been to a meeting where the Pope wasn’t present.
I’m adding this to my plans (with “Plans” written at the top) and I’m gearing up my intention to pursue instrumental means to make out to the see this. I’m only a five-hour drive away; it would be an offense of taste and decency if I didn’t listen to that powerhouse lineup in person.