For those following the saga: my lawyer says I should have some news from him in a couple of weeks.
In other news, I had an email meltdown yesterday on my Auburn account and lost thousands of emails. Our IT department is looking into seeing whether they can recover them.
Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad ….
Why don’t you have a Gmail account?
I do, though I don’t use it (I check it every few months). But I do have a Yahoo account. However, I have to use the Auburn account because all official university business comes through it.
It so happens that I’ve wondered about what was up with the Auburn and the Yahoo account, since I saw you were using both of them in different places. (Trying to keep track of the different email accounts for people who have more than one can be confusing.)
After trying out all of the big e-mail services, I’ve never figured out why anyone would choose something other than Gmail.
And you should be able to forward all your university stuff to your Gmail account, no? Or have they restricted that option in your case?
If you go mad will you parade about in a Carmen Miranda fruit hat?
You mean like this?
Deregulation caused this no doubt! Nationalize the email providers!
LOLZ, no back-up protocol. Some smart people I tells ya…