Archive | June, 2009


At the moment the .net version of this blog isn’t working right, so if you have trouble with some of the .net links, change them to .com and all should be well.

You Gotta Have Arts

According to this news story, one of the chief complaints about the Iranian election has been “not enough ballets.” I guess their voters take culture very seriously.

The Empire Is Smashed

Holy shit! I see the error that’s been deleting or truncating comments in the talkbacks here has been doing to the same thing to my regular posts – all the way back to the beginning. This is looking to be a major disaster.

UPDATE: The farther I look, the worse it gets. It looks like the majority of my posts over the past four years have been destroyed, perhaps irretrievably.

2ND UPDATE: The Empire is currently undergoing reconstruction and, apart from a few comments being lost and apparently others having their order rearranged, looks like it’s well on its way to a 99% recovery. Thanks, Brandon!

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