William Gillis has put together a terrific online clearinghouse for market anarchist pamphlets called Invisible Molotov; check it out.
On the other hand, Gillis’s confidence that the task of jumpstarting left/libertarian reunification has been largely accomplished strikes me as a tad premature, given that libertarians and leftists continue on the whole to be confusedly estranged from one another.
You are certainly correct Roderick, that the rev — much less reunification — is far from complete or even assured. But I no longer feel like victory is ridiculously impossible. …Thus I’m bored and want to move the brunt of my focus onto other fronts. There are plenty of other impossible uphill battles that need fighting.
There are plenty of other impossible uphill battles that need fighting.
Your mission: justify Jar Jar.
I have to invoke Special Rule #2384 here: Any blog post even partially inspired by loose market anarchist talk in an anarcho-syndicalist eatery is entitled to a little extra slack.
Speaking of uphill battles, I’m settling in with a radical bookstore collective in Portland, hopefully not too late to help save the shop.