Archive | February, 2008

Brother From Another Planet, Part 2

[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]

cover of French edition Four Black History Months ago I blogged about Alexandre Dumas’s neglected status as a black writer. France’s most commercially successful writer, the author of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo was also the grandson of a freed Haitian slave; in response to a racial insult he once responded: “It is true. My father was a mulatto, my grandmother was a negress, and my great-grandparents were monkeys. In short, sir, my pedigree begins where yours ends.”

I’m happy to see that Georges, the Dumas novel that most directly addresses issues of race, is now back in print in a new English translation. For a plot summary see here.

It would be fun to see a conference on issues of race and slavery in French romantic literature, organised around Dumas’s Georges, Hugo’s Bug-Jargal (which I see is also out in a new translation), and Verne’s A Captain at Fifteen (which desperately needs a new translation).

Unwelcome Opacity

locked book A great badness has entered the world; or rather, a great goodness has left it. (Well, Augustine would say those come to the same thing.) I notice that seems to have entirely eliminated its “Look Inside” and “Search Inside” options.

When did this happen? Why did this happen? Anybody know?

I Expected to Post This, Just Before I Did

I expect I'll have the salad My very first publication, a 1992 book review of David Velleman’s Practical Reflection, is now online. It’s a bit more accessible to the non-philosopher than my Aristotle-on-relations review, but, well, not much.

I’m not sure how much of the review I still agree with; my more recent rejection of the impositionist/reflectionist dichotomy might raise trouble for some of the distinctions I use in the review. Or it might not; I haven’t really thought about it. (And I have no time to think about it right now!)

What’s in the Goddamn Bird Book?

archenemies Gretchen and Michael After Sara Tancredi’s head showed up in a box, I thought for a while that Prison Break had jumped the ichthyosaur. But the plot twists and character dynamics of the last few episodes have lured me in again.

Alas, yesterday’s episode may be the last. Certainly it was the last for a while – a premature “season finale,” because season 3 was truncated as a result of the Hollywood labour dispute (not, incidentally, as a “result of the strike” – it takes two to tango). But it remains to be seen whether the show will be picked up to complete its arc.

I need closure!

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