Thanks to a reader’s email note, I learn that my recent post on bin Laden’s possible porn stash has been quoted in The Independent and The Week.
From a Google search, I learn that the quote has since propagated far and wide.
I also learn, to my surprise, that I am a “mainstream blogger.”
It’s only a short leap from that to world domination. Use the power wisely….
Time to find a new blog, this one’s gone totally mainstream…
I’m really excited about Tim Pawlenty.
I see they actually misquoted me — I said “one way or ’tother,” not “one way or other.”
I get it–the post’s title is a play on words of “Deep Throat”.
Maybe it’s really “Deep Thoat” — Martian bestiality porn.
That just makes me think of “Deep Thought”.
I advise caution on talking about the Martians. You-know-who might try to have you physically removed from society.
“Mainstream”? I smell book deals, MSNBC, Fox News, CNN…