The Molinari Society session on Gary Chartiers book will run from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, 23 April 2011, in San Diegos Hilton Bayfront. For anyone planning to attend, I can now announce the room: Aqua 300.
The Hilton Bayfronts floors are identified by shades of blue Indigo, Aqua, Sapphire rather than by numbers (though they are not actually painted the shades they are named after), but the Aqua level is essentially the 3rd floor. Finding room 300 is non-obvious, since its not near most of the other meeting rooms and the signage is unhelpfulage; but once you get off the escalator on Aqua, head straight ahead toward the windows. When you see a UPS store to the right, turn right, going past the UPS store (keeping it on your left), then turn left and head all the way back.
Or you can just look at the following map of the Aqua level. Aqua 300s at the lower left. (Click for increased hugeness.)
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