Steven Moffat reveals how the Amy Pond storyline would have gone if David Tennant had stayed on for another year.
Archive | May, 2013
Hay-Market Anarchism
Nick Ford has posted a bunch of essays, some hard to find, by Voltairine de Cleyre. Go read them!
An Aegis Very Essential
Im ambivalent about this. One the one hand, its a Marvel comics series starring Agent Coulson. On the other hand, its glorifying the very sorts of organisations that are horribly evil and destructive in real life; and the scene where Coulson appears to be renditioning an internet rebel does not exactly warm my heart.
Ill watch it, of course. But I wish theyd run the storyline from the comics where SHIELD turns out to have been a front for HYDRA all along.
Actually Looking For a Haircut
Lets face it, when you go to the barber shop, you are looking for a bit of nostalgia.
Cordial and Sanguine, Part 53: The Mind Cannot Foresee Its Own Eternal Recurrence

Glasses, moustache, German accent – case closed!
When you see the words spontaneous order, do you just naturally think will to power? When you flip through Prices and Production or The Pure Theory of Capital, do you hear the clarion call of the Übermensch?
Youre not alone. Corey Robin, too, has divined the hidden connection between Hayek and Nietzsche that more timid minds have missed.
But Kevin Vallier just wont see the light. I guess Corey Robin didnt send Kevin a hit of whatever hes been using. Share the good stuff, Corey! Remember the gift-giving virtue!
Molinari Unbound! – Sixième Soirée
Another set of responses in the Molinarifest has been posted. This batch of four includes an exchange between David Friedman and Gary Chartier on the merits of labortarianism. More to follow in a few days (including replies by me and the other anarchists to Matt Zwolinski, and a digression by me about Proudhon and Bellegarrigue).