But Some Think Our Attitude Should Be One Of Gratitude

Here’s what I wrote in the comments section of this article:

If one prison guard beats you twenty times a day while the other guards beat you fifty times a day, then you’ll certainly prefer the first guard to the others – but should you be grateful to him? Or should you jump at the chance to switch to a guard who beats you only ten times a day? All the examples of things for which Saverin “owes” the u.s. are respects in which u.s. laws are less oppressive than the laws of many other countries. Being less oppressed is like being beaten less often.

Gratitude is an appropriate response to receiving a favour or a privilege. Freedom is a right, not a privilege; demanding that people be “grateful” for not having their freedom violated so much is morally obscene. In any case, the freedom that Saverin enjoyed in this country was the result not of the government (which would happily expand to totalitarian dimensions if it could) or of the ruling class (ditto), but of many generations of citizens working to restrain both. So asking Saverin to feel grateful to the government, and surrender his money to it, is like asking a patient to be grateful to a virus because, thanks to inoculations, he doesn’t suffer too badly from it.

Jingoistic, hyper-nationalist rants like Manjoo’s are incompatible with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Governments owe allegiance to their citizens, not vice versa.

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8 Responses to But Some Think Our Attitude Should Be One Of Gratitude

  1. JOR May 13, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    More conclusive proof that gliberals don’t really mean it when they revert to conservative-esque love-it-or-leave-it arguments (“why don’t you move to Somalia?” etc.)

    They really just mean, “Love it and shut the fuck up.”

  2. Jared May 13, 2012 at 6:08 pm #

    So much for the “love it or leave it” line put out by these hyper jingoistic types.

  3. HumorMe May 13, 2012 at 6:11 pm #

    The lament shouldn’t be for his leaving, it should be for our role in making him rich. IP laws aren’t inescapable rules of nature, like gravity. They’re wholly man-made (and enforced).

    • Roderick May 13, 2012 at 9:38 pm #

      That’s a fair point, but it was too much raise there.

  4. Anon73 May 16, 2012 at 9:23 pm #

    Reminds me of that Chomsky interview the other day where he said in a “real democracy” that on April 15 we would all celebrate for funding the things “we” have decided on. Here’s the full context of his remarks (very bottom). I like the comparison of a government to an “alien force” (!):


  5. Roderick May 17, 2012 at 6:50 pm #

    Tom Woods cites this post.

  6. Roderick May 27, 2012 at 1:54 pm #

    Eduardo Saverin = John Lennon.


  1. Cofondatore Facebook scappa dal fisco USA in Singapore – Ovvero dobbiamo essere grati allo Stato? | libertariaNation - May 21, 2012

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