Archive | August 26, 2009

From Fox to Cat?

Having thought Megan Fox came across as a vacant, sluggish zombie in the first Transformers movie (I didn’t see the second), I’ve been less than thrilled at her casting in Jonah Hex; so I was understandably alarmed at this latest rumor (mercifully contradicted here) that Fox is going to be cast as the next Catwoman.

Catwoman meets Batman

Catwoman meets Batman

But this comment from Tracy Saboe reminds me that some actors need a good director (and/or script) to show what they’re capable of. For example, I would never have thought that Natalie Portman was a good actress if I’d seen only her performances in the Star Wars movies, nor would I have been especially impressed by Liam Neeson; likewise, I would never have thought the Marx Brothers were all that funny if I’d seen only some of the late duds like Room Service. Also, check out the deleted scenes on the DVD of The Big Sleep to see Lauren Bacall (of all people) coming across as dull and lacklustre, until they reshot her scenes with more directorial guidance. And the clips I’ve seen of Fox’s performance in Jennifer’s Body, though fairly cheesy, at least manifest more liveliness than was apparent in Transformers, so maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt.

Still … Catwoman?

Gain Some Pounds!

Libertarian Alliance

Libertarian Alliance

Can a libertarian be a conservative? Answer this question and win £1000. (CHT Joel Schlosberg.)

Although I’m quoted in the announcement in apparent support of the “no” side, I actually think the answer to the question is “yes.” Of course it’s a “yes, but …” (in that I take libertarianism to be thickly bound up with lefty values even if it doesn’t strictly entail them – and I could sign on to statements such as “the libertarian rejects conservatism” in the same spirit as I would such Thompson-style categoricals as “the tufted warbler flies south in the winter” even if many actual tufted warblers, owing to disorientation and bewilderment, never get airborne), but I reckon the contest judges will accept “yes, but …” answers.

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