Im sorry to learn of the death of Maurice Jarre, perhaps best known as the composer of the Lawrence of Arabia soundtrack. But while the main theme of that soundtrack is magnificent, for me his best soundtrack overall is Doctor Zhivago, which stands as a terrific musical composition.
Archive | March 29, 2009
Inadvertent Libel
Headline just seen on Google news: Nurse also among those who killed at nursing home in Carthage.
Turns out, as I suspected, that the headline needs either to gain a were or to lose a who.
The Evil Dead
Recent changes in my blog (necessitated by the fact that the .net version wasnt updating) unfortunately make all links to into dead links; only works at the moment. Well, not dead exactly but links to anything on just go directly to the main page. Alas, when I got this blog it was the .net version of the address that I distributed far and wide (I think thats why my posts havent been showing up at lately, for example). So if youve got links or RSS feeds pointing to the .net version of this blog, you might want to change them to .com.
Float Time, Part 2
First the London Times, and now Cato! Patri Friedman is giving a talk at Cato on the Seasteading project; it will be broadcast live online. Theres also a Facebook page for the event. Congratulations, Patri!
And on the general subject of Patri and seasteading, see Joel Scholsbergs recent comment as well.