The latest issue (#181) of Robin features the return of Anarky – sort of.
At first I was annoyed, since Anarky seemed to be blowing stuff up pointlessly – “chaos for fun.”
But it soon transpired that the guy wearing the Anarky outfit is actually the Batman villain Ulysses Armstrong, who seems to have the real Anarky – Lonnie Machin – imprisoned and on life support (and looking in pretty bad shape). What all that’s about remains to be seen.
You’re welcome
Maybe you already knew.
I e-mailed the Molinary yahoo group and posted a comment about it in one of your previous posts.
Although you should have posted a spoiler notice for those you haven’t read it yet.
I e-mailed the Molinary yahoo group
Ah, I saw that after I read the comic. (Behind on my email, as usual.)
you should have posted a spoiler notice
Oops, you’re right. Sorry.
Spoiler warning about prior issue 180:
I was a couple months behind on my comics so I hadn’t read this yet. I just finished issue 180. If you’d read issue 180, you’d know that Red Robin (Spoiler: you find out towards the end that he’s Ulysses towards the end) had somebody talking into his ear. More like taunting him. That voice said, “What you’re doing is not real Anarchy.”
My assumption based on what you’ve posted above about issue. 181 is that that voice is Lonnie.
I have hopes that the author gets him now. Perhaps he’s as upset as you were over Ulysses misunderstanding of equating anarchy with chaos.
We’ll find out in issue 182.
Who knows, perhaps they could make Anarky the new protector of Gothum now that Batman’s R. I. P. (A geek can dream, can’t he.