What with the iPod, the iPhone, the iBook, it was only a matter of time before someone developed … the iRack.
And it is totally working.
What with the iPod, the iPhone, the iBook, it was only a matter of time before someone developed … the iRack.
And it is totally working.
Inasmuch as the Left-Libertarian Yahoo Group’s chief moderator, formerly a terrific left-libertarian whose name rhymes with “Hey, Feel Cool, Man,” has apparently fallen to the dark side (both in the no-longer-a-left-libertarian sense and in the suddenly-deciding-to-reject-dissenting-posts sense), some of its members have started an alternative discussion list called LeftLibertarian2. (I missed most of the excitement, just getting caught up on my mail now.)
Since the aforesaid moderator will not permit the existence of the new list to be mentioned on the old list, I announce it here. As far as I’m concerned the new list is the list. (There’s also the LeftyLibertarian list but I’m not sure what its status is. Also, check out the Left-Libertarian blog aggregator.)
At the end of this week I’m off (if traveling a few blocks from my office counts as “off”) to the Austrian Scholars Conference, where I’ll be giving a paper on Austro-libertarian themes in the work of Elizabeth Anscombe. Here’s the first paragraph:
Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe (1919-2001) – better known as Elizabeth Anscombe, Liz Anscombe, or G. E. M. Anscombe – was one of the foremost figures of 20th-century Anglophone philosophy, making important
contributions to philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, and moral philosophy. Yet this monocle-wearing, cigar-smoking, multilingual Cambridge don and mother of seven, a Catholic social conservative who ate out of tuna cans while lecturing and once intimidated a mugger into leaving her alone, who shocked the right with her antiwar activism and the left with her anti-abortion, anti-contraception activism, and who coined the term “consequentialism” (she was against it), is far less well known among Austro-libertarians than among professional philosophers. The aim of this paper is to show why Anscombe deserves the attention of Austro-libertarians.
Read the rest here.
[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
The latest issue (20.4) of the Journal of Libertarian Studies features Marcus Verhaegh on Rothbard vs. Rousseau, Philipp Bagus on the history of private dikes and levees, my colleague Michael Watkins on Thomson’s defense of abortion, John Hamilton on pro-capitalist themes in left-wing Italian cinema, J. H. Huebert on Posner’s doomsday scenarios, Ludwig van den Hauwe on Holcombe’s critique of democracy, and Leigh Jenco on freedom and Asian values in Kirby and de Bary.
Read a fuller summary of 20.4’s contents here.
Read summaries of previous issues under my editorship here.
Read back issues online here.
Subscribe here.
In other news, my recent blog post Cleopatra on Mars has been reposted on LRC today with a slightly more prosaic title.
Ron Paul is now officially in the race for the Republican nomination. (Conical hat tip to Lew Rockwell.) With Hagel still playing coy, this makes Paul the clear antiwar choice in the Republican pack – and of course Paul, unlike Hagel, was against the damn thing from the start.
I have plenty of problems with Ron Paul – most notably on immigration, abortion, and gay rights. But he is astronomically superior to any other Republican candidate out there; I wish him well, and hope he shakes up the GOP plenty.
In real life, Cicero was killed by many people after fleeing his home, not by one person in his home.
In real life, Brutus died by suicide, not in battle.
In real life, Servilia died of natural causes, not suicide.
I’m just sayin’ ….