The full trailer for Avatar pretty much gives the story away, but thats okay. Im excited to see it for a couple of reasons: first, its a sympathetic portrayal of resistance to American military imperialism (I dont know whether these Marines are actually American in the story or whether theyre from a United Earthforce or something, but it doesnt matter they clearly represent the American military); and second, this is the closest visual representation Ive seen to the Venus novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs. (Though this clip seems to draw at least as much from Anne McCaffreys Dragonrider novels which, coincidentally, I was introduced to on the same day as Burroughs Venus novels.)
Mike Kaluta's adaptation of PIRATES OF VENUS
[…] Pern novels, so they got themselves lodged in my imagination fairly early on. I’d already noticed, from the trailers, Avatar’s resemblance to both, but the similarities were far more striking […]