Archive | July 22, 2007

The Rebirth of LIBERTY

[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]

1. Shawn Wilbur is God!

He has just completed posting the entire run of Benjamin Tucker’s Liberty in PDF form. Details here.

At the height of its popularity Liberty had a circulation of perhaps 600. Now, thanks to Shawn, it is accessible to millions worldwide.

Liberty The interface is bare-bones at the moment, but Shawn has plans for text-search capacity and other cool stuff.

As he urges: “download, download, download!” to ensure that “there is never again any question of Liberty not being available.”

I’ve also hailed the advent of Liberty on the Mises Blog.

Proudhon 2. Another gift from Shawn Wilbur: a list of Proudhon texts available on Google Books.

You may ask: What’s so special about that? Can’t anyone compile such a list by going to Google Books and doing an author search on Proudhon?

No. Having tussled with the unpredictable quirks of Google Books myself, I can sympathise with the woes Shawn describes here and here.

3. On an entirely unrelated topic, those planning to attend the Alabama Philosophical Society may need a reminder that the deadline for submitting a paper is just over two weeks away.


Party Like It’s 1979

Catch a quick glimpse of an original-series style Cylon behind Adama in this teaser for Razor, the upcoming Galactica tv-movie / season premiere.

Return of the Left

Good news! The Left-libertarian blog aggregator, down since July 13th for a server switch, is now back up (with many backed-up pages of aggregation to look through).

I didn’t put this post on the Left-libertarian feed because if you’re reading you already know it’s back up.

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