Tag Archives | Online Texts

Niall’s Saga

Turns out if Niall Ferguson had the Ring, he’d use it to abolish all Rings. (CHT Gary.)

I don’t think you can get rid of top-down hierarchical systems via a top-down hierarchical method. That’s why counter-economics makes better sense in terms of political strategy. Still, coming from the laudator imperii it’s a move in the right direction. (Though the notion that rulership was indispensable prior to recent developments in information technology is rather difficult to defend in the light of actual history.)

Reaching Left, Part 3

My piece on how to reach the left is now up on Mises.org.

Tim Cavanaugh also has a comment on my piece, though he seems to interpret my point as being solely about evangelisation – whereas I was arguing that we need to abandon not just our unhelpful rhetoric but our mistaken views.

Open Source Government

Kevin Carson is working on a fourth book! What he stresses is “a very rough draft” is available online here; it looks fascinating, as usual. Death Star expolosion Its topic is “the potential for networked organization to constrain the exercise of power by large, hierarchical institutions in a way that once required the countervailing power of other large, hierarchical institutions.”

(I guess releasing ongoing drafts of a work on open source is a way of achieving unity of medium and message.)

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