Tag Archives | Lapsus Linguae

Dixie Street Cred

Mitt Romney

“I had catfish for the second time. It was delicious, just like the first time.” – Mitt Romney

“And I’m really enjoying this so called … ‘iced cream.’” – Montgomery Burns

Missed It By Just One Planet

As Burroughs readers will recognise (though you don’t need to be a Burroughs reader to spot two moons too many for Venus), this Frazetta scene is supposed to illustrate one of Burroughs’ Mars stories, not this Venus story:

Pirates of Venus

On the other hand, the following scene, clearly intended for one of Burroughs’ Venus stories, is being used to illustrate Poloda instead:

Beyond the Farthest Star

And the low-hanging stone moon in the background indicates that this scene is actually supposed to be Pellucidar, not Caspak:

Out of Time's Abyss

I’m just sayin’.

Famous Blue Raincoat

A while ago I started using “Socks” and “Caps” as shorthand for social anarchists and anarcho-capitalists respectively. But then I drifted away from it, mainly because there seemed to be no useful article-of-clothing shorthand for us lefty individualist types in the middle.

Murray Bookchin manifesting deep ideologico-sartorial confusion

Murray Bookchin manifesting deep ideologico-sartorial confusion

But there is! “Mack” (or “Mac,” but I’d prefer to avoid the association with either computers or hamburgers) is an abbreviation for an article of clothing – a Mac(k)intosh raincoat – and also works as an abbreviation for “FMAC,” itself an acronym for Kevin Carson’s phrase “free-market anti-capitalist.”

Okay, it’s a bit less intuitive than “Sock” or “Cap” – but on the other hand it has the advantage that macks are generally worn between socks and caps, which is just where we Macks generally find ourselves – because, y’know, we’re the vital center, while Socks and Caps are bewildered deviationists.

Also, it’s more embarrassing to be caught wearing only socks, or only a cap, than to be caught wearing only a mack – thus reinforcing our dialectical superiority. Plus Zerzanites can denounce all three groups, since Zerzanites don’t approve of clothing of any kind.

Señales Mixtas

I just saw an ad in which ethnic-cleansing governor Jan Brewer was inviting people to “come to Arizona.”

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida, Señora Brewer.

Native Soil


There is a place in Finland called Vampula.

That is all.

A Way With Words

I see from the AP that Tommy Tuberville “intends to defend the allegations against him.” I must say, that’s remarkably broad-minded of him.

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