Next week Im off to Las Vegas for the APEE (Harrahs, 1-3 April), and then to Seattle for the Pacific APA (Westin, 4-7 April). Our sessions are as follows:
APEE, Monday, 2 April:
FMAC Session 1: 1:35-2:50 p.m. [M3.9, Parlor F]:
Topics in Free-Market Anti-Capitalism
chair: Sheldon Richman (The Freeman)
Gary Chartier (La Sierra U.), Fairness and Possession
Darian Worden (Center for a Stateless Society), State-Capitalist Plutocracy or Free-Market Progress: Which Way Will We Go?
Roderick T. Long (Auburn U.), Enforceability of Interest Under a Title-Transfer Theory of Contract
commentator: Keith Taylor (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
FMAC session 2: 4:15-5:30 p.m. [M5.11, Laughlin room]:
Explorations in Libertarian Class Theory
chair: Roderick T. Long (Auburn U.)
Sheldon Richman (The Freeman), Seeing Like a Ruling Class
Steven Horwitz (St. Lawrence U.), Punishing the Poor: The Redistributive Effects of Inflation
Gary Chartier (La Sierra U.), Jasay and Libertarian Class Theory
commentator: David Friedman (Santa Clara U.)
Pacific APA, Saturday, 7 April:
Molinari Society, 7:00-10:00 p.m. (or so) [G9G, location TBA]:
Explorations in Philosophical Anarchy
David M. Hart (Liberty Fund), Bastiats Distinction Between Legal and Illegal Plunder
Kurt Gerry (Independent Scholar), On Political Obligation and the Nature of Law
Daniel Silvermint (U. Arizona)
Charles Johnson (Molinari Institute)
Roderick T. Long (Auburn U.)