Next July in San Francisco Im planning to speak at Libertopia, an event organised by Sky Conway (about whom Ive blogged previously), and not to be confused with any of the various other things out there already called Libertopia.
I believe the list of speakers on the website is only tentative, but it gives some idea of the ways in which its wide-ranging (both Brad Spangler and Hans Hoppe!) and the ways in which it isnt (almost everyone on the list is an anarchist and is pursuing a primarily non-electoral form of activism; I have reason to think thats by design).
A pity its so pricey (Im with Starchild on that issue high convention fees clash with inclusiveness), though if one skips the banquet and cruise and stays at a cheaper hotel (I like the Powell) its not as bad.
(The event hasnt been widely promoted yet, but Im spreading the word because there are, alas, deadline-triggered price hikes.)
I see the Libertopia website has just just switched to an announcement page; I reckon they’re tweaking something.
Though you can still read it with a simple Google command ….
(And no, I’m not talking about the cache ….)
Anyway, the site is back now, with a somewhat shorter speakers’ list.
Brad is really getting around eh
The left-lib revolution is upon us?
He’s speaking at Liberty Forum too…up in NH.