2 Responses to Two Vast and Trunkless Columns of Stone

  1. Irfan Khawaja August 8, 2015 at 5:06 pm #

    Very much enjoyed that. What I find particularly interesting about Thersites is that he’s regarded as a general nuisance. In other words, this particular speech isn’t the first time he’s annoyed the nobility by criticizing them; it seems to be a habit of his. He almost seems to prefigure the Old Testament prophets, but presented and received with different emphases. The general mirth at his being beaten always struck me as cringe making, so to speak.

  2. Mahesh September 24, 2015 at 12:16 pm #

    Aric,once a year you mention Blade Runner’ in your witnirgs and musings.I’m going to drop the $10 and pick it up in itunes, the final, unsullied directors-best-friends-approved-cut, so I can watch it again to find the Los Angeles of the future’ distopian vision, and see how it applies to the west coast and Pacific rim that I live in today.Art in LA! Isn’t humanity a strange animal?-Rz

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