GARY (chartier and charles) JOHNSON 2012. (Sorry.)
Check out two recent interviews, one with Charles and Gary and one just with Charles.
GARY (chartier and charles) JOHNSON 2012. (Sorry.)
Check out two recent interviews, one with Charles and Gary and one just with Charles.
This pic has been making the rounds. (CHT Gary.) Click for enhanced magnitude.
Brian Doherty visits the set.
That Stan Lee and Jack Kirby have offered conflicting testimony as to which of them came up with the idea for the Hulk is not exactly news. But what I didnt know before was the specific incident that Kirby claimed gave him the inspiration for the Hulk namely, seeing a mother demonstrate extraordinary strength by lifting a car to free her trapped child.
Whats striking about that example is that in the (surprisingly good) 1970s-80s tv series though not in the comics the experiment that originally turns Banner into the Hulk is part of his research into cases of ordinary people demonstrating extraordinary strength in emergency situations with the case of a mother lifting a car to free her trapped child being the main case study focused on.
Assuming this isnt a coincidence, then either Kenneth Johnson (who wrote and directed the first Hulk episode, as well as being responsible for a few other shows you may recognise) got the idea through conversation with Kirby, or else Kirbys memory is mistaken and inadvertently drawing on the tv show.
Between Lee and Kirby Im ordinarily more inclined to trust Kirby. But this mother-saving-her-child-by-lifting-a-car idea is so central to the tv show and (as far as I recall) so non-evident in the original comic that Im left scratching my head.
The BHL land symposium continues with new contributions from Kevin Carson, Eric Mack, David Schmidtz, and Fred Foldvary.
So, Lockout is what you get if you cross Escape From New York with It Happened One Night. (Well, sort of.)