Archive | December, 2008

Only One Setting

Monopoly Man wants a handout This animation (conical hat tip to LRC) is funny – but the perspective it represents is part of the problem. The assumption behind the clip is that big business is in favour of “capitalism” (which in this context is clearly supposed to mean the free market) when times are good, but in favour of government handouts when times are bad.

No – big business is against the free market and in favour of government-granted privilege all the time. If by “capitalism” you mean the free market, it’s always “clap off”; if by “capitalism” you mean the prevailing corporatism, it’s always “clap on.”

Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Octava

If I’d known how many more parts there’d be I wouldn’t have started the damn Latin titles. In any case, my last post should’ve been Pars Septima, not Pars Septa. Argh! Oh well.

Wait, this post has an actual topic: Shawn Wilbur weighs in on whether big chain bookstores benefit from state intervention. (Spoiler alert: yes.)

More from me on the conflation debate anon.


Is Fables (a tale of real-life fairy-tale characters like Snow White and Pinocchio living among us in the ordinary world) a good comic book series? Yup.

Wolf and Pig

Do I think ABC can adapt it without producing something truly hokey and godawful? Nope.

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