[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
Jan Narvesons response to Nicole Hassouns comments is now online.
Heres the final roster for the Molinari Societys upcoming fifth annual Symposium being held in conjunction with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2008:
GIX-3. Monday, 29 December 2008, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Molinari Society symposium: Authors Meet Critics:
Crispin Sartwells Against the State: An Introduction to Anarchist Political Theory and
Roderick T. Long and Tibor R. Machan, eds., Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country?
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market Street, Room TBA
Chair: Carrie-Ann Biondi (Marymount Manhattan College)
Jennifer McKitrick (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Christopher Morris (University of Maryland)
Nicole Hassoun (Carnegie Mellon University)Authors:
John Hasnas (Georgetown University)
Charles Johnson (Molinari Institute)
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)
Jan Narveson (University of Waterloo-Canada)
Crispin Sartwell (Dickinson College)
William Thomas (Atlas Society)
The APA, ever vigilant against the menace of free riders (and, I suspect, grossly overestimating the inelasticity of demand for APA sessions) isnt
revealing the location of the session until we pick up our final programs at registration. But Ill try to post the info as soon as I learn it.
To commemorate your moving to a new site, here’s a fun gem I found on the infoshop forums about how to argue against anarcho-capitalists:
It really isn’t all that hard to shut down an “ancap” or “Libertarian”. All you have to do is point out the illogic of their premises (like the circular reasoning of their STV and Marginalist theorems), hit ’em with a few facts about the reality of Neoliberalism, and explain how a socialist economy can work without centralization and without a State. Then show them how positive and negative liberty are inseperable and how their insistance upon only “negative liberty” actually takes rights away from people who aren’t capitalist business owners.
–Parallax, infoshop.org forums
The original thread is here.
Man I wish I could be there!
“explain how a socialist economy can work without centralization and without a State. Then show them how positive and negative liberty are inseperable and how their insistance upon only “negative liberty” actually takes rights away from people who aren’t capitalist business owners.”
Oh, just that? Why I never thought of that?
Discussions with Infoshoppers have been among the most frustrating online discussions I have ever had.
Bob: Here’s an article on how to speak the socialist language:
Hint: Never discuss the environment.
Well, then you’ve clearly never had a discussion in the WikiPedia Talk page for all topics related to anarchism.
Let me guess Charles, you’re one of the “small minority” of anarcho-capitalists on the internet that “are not really very important” and “are constantly vandalizing wikipedia” to promote “private states” and hierarchy right?
Wonderful how all these freedom-loving ‘anarchists’ are content using the coercive power of the corrupt state education system to earn a living. Very free market of them. I suppose anarchism really IS an academic argument to these people.