Tag Archives | Thank You Please May I Have Another

Legs Broken, Crutches Distributed

One of the benefits of Obamacare, apparently – as you’ll learn from this piece, if you can make it past “people like you and I” – is that it enables this:

Tufts Medical Center in Massachusetts – along with their physician group and a company which owns and operates two hospitals in the region – has acted on this provision of the law and received $88.5 million in federal funds to create the state’s first member owned and controlled health insurance plan.

This “first” claim is quite false, of course. Massachusetts, like most states in the u.s., once had many member-owned, member-controlled health-insurance plans – until the government drove them out of business. Now the government is apparently attempting to run a top-down simulation of what it formerly destroyed. One thinks of Marie Antoinette playing shepherdess.

Everything Is All Right, the Struggle Is Finished, I Have Won the Victory Over Myself, I Love Historian Herby

Going through more old papers today, I found the following mimeographed propaganda that was handed out in my school in 5th or 6th grade (mid-1970s):

Our Obligations as Citizens

In the Constitution of the United States of America, every citizen is guaranteed certain rights. When people have rights, they also have obligations.

These are some of the obligations that citizens of the United States have:

1. The obligation to vote. Each citizen has an obligation to vote for good officers for our government.

     How old must you be to vote? ____________________

      When is Election Day? ____________________

2. The obligation to uphold the Constitution by obeying the laws.

3. The obligation to serve on a jury if we are asked. The right of trial by jury makes serving as a juror an obligation.

4. The obligation to study and learn about our form of government so that we can be intelligent citizens.

5. The obligation to respect the rights of other people. When we have the right of going to a church of our choice, we must respect the rights of others to go to a church of their choice.

Historian Herby says, “For every right we enjoy, there is an obligation we must pay.”


Overheard at a local restaurant, from someone discussing the recent Auburn shootings: “And the worst thing of all is, I used to live in that apartment complex.”

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