Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian

First 2008 Molinari Symposium Comments Online

Nicole Hassoun and two books on anarchism The first of three commentaries for the Molinari Society’s authors-meet-critics session at the December APA is now online: this one by Nicole Hassoun of Carnegie-Mellon, author of “Why Libertarians Should Be Welfare Liberals.”

The other two commentators are Jennifer McKitrick (vice-president of the Molinari Institute and author of “Liberty, Gender, and the Family”) and Christopher Morris (author of An Essay on the Modern State).

The books under discussion are Crispin Sartwell’s Against the State: An Introduction to Anarchist Political Theory and the anthology I co-edited with Tibor Machan, Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country?

Kevin Carson Named Research Associate at C4SS


Celebrated yet controversial left-libertarian author becomes first C4SS paid staff member.

Studies in Mutualist Political EconomyAUBURN, ALABAMA – November 15, 2008 – Center for a Stateless Society – Kevin Carson, author of Studies in Mutualist Political Economy and a forthcoming major work on anarchist organizational theory has joined the Center for a Stateless Society as the Center’s first paid staff member. In his role as Research Associate beginning January 1st of 2009, Carson will be producing quarterly short research studies for the Center to publish as well as writing news commentary.

C4SS director Brad Spangler said of the move, “We’re developing a new fundraising initiative and early on in that process an anonymous donor stepped up to fund the first quarter of Kevin’s research work and the first month of his news analysis for us. We’re very pleased to announce this, as Carson has been a key figure on the radical end of the libertarian movement. Supporting his work means he’ll be able to do more and better of what he already does amazingly well.”


The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the State. The Institute takes its name from Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), originator of the theory of Market Anarchism. The Center for a Stateless Society is the Molinari Institute’s media center.

Brad Spangler
Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchy on the Airwaves

There's no government like no government Lew Rockwell interviewed me for a couple of brief podcasts this (Thursday) morning; the first one, on anarchism, is up now. (The second one, on the Giant Squid Menace, will be released when the public is ready for it ….)

Olbermann in the Neutral Zone

Keith Olbermann, mad strangler I got a giggle out of Keith Olbermann’s claim (conical hat tip to Lew Rockwell) that he refrains from voting in order to maintain his objectivity and neutrality – as though Olbermann’s relentless attacks (70% laudable and on target, 30% barking mad) on the Republicans haven’t provided far more help to the Democrats than his periodically marking a box or pulling a lever could possibly do. What is this mystique about the magical power of the ballot – which is actually one of the least effective forms of political action for an individual?

One reason I don’t embrace the agorist/voluntaryist anti-voting position (though I like its arguments a lot better than the pro-voting arguments) is that both the anti-voters and the pro-voters strike me as making the same mistake of vastly exaggerating the significance of voting. Whatever contribution it makes to the good result of getting the less bad doofus in power, and whatever contribution it makes to the bad result of helping to sanction and prop up the system, are both minuscule. (Mind you, I think minuscule contributions can be morally relevant. But public advocacy still has a heck of a lot bigger impact than either voting or not voting.)

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