Its a privilege to inform you that the Molinari Society symposium on libertarianism and privilege will be in meeting room 402 (4th floor of the Marriott).
Be there or B2.
Its a privilege to inform you that the Molinari Society symposium on libertarianism and privilege will be in meeting room 402 (4th floor of the Marriott).
Be there or B2.
[cross-posted at BHL]
A reminder for anyone planning to attend the American Philosophical Association in Philadelphia next week: here once again is the info on this years Molinari Society panel:
Eastern APA, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Monday, 29 December 2014:
Molinari Society, 1:30-4:30 p.m. [GIX-3, location TBA]:
Libertarianism and Privilegechair:
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)presenters:
Billy Christmas (University of Manchester), “Privilege and Libertarianism”
Jennifer A. Baker (College of Charleston), “White Privilege and Virtue”
Jason Lee Byas (University of Oklahoma), “Supplying the Demand of Liberation: Markets as a Structural Check Against Domination”commentators:
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)
Charles W. Johnson (Molinari Institute)
Ive just created two Patreon pages.
One is a per-month pledge page for several libertarian book projects Im working on; these include:
Details here.
The other is a per-post pledge page for my four science-fiction/fantasy blogs: on Star Trek, The Avengers (the UK one, not the Marvel one), Danger Man/The Prisoner, and the Oz books. These posts will also be collected as books. Details here.
Pledgers will have opportunities to get advance content, free signed books, and the chance to influence the order in which I tackle the various projects.
You can pledge as little as a dollar per month (for the books page) and/or a dollar per post (for the blogs page). Any help is appreciated; I have a lot of cool stuff I want to accomplish, but am in tight circumstances financially (and my home computer is on its last legs).
Heres Cleveland police union head Jeffrey Follmer copsplaining:
How about this? Listen to police officers commands, listen to what we tell you, and just stop. I think that eliminates a lot of problems. I have kids too, they know how to respect the law. They know what to do when a police officer comes up to them. I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it, and if youre wrong youre wrong, and if youre right, then the courts will figure it out.
And heres an Indiana-based police outfit responding to the I Cant Breathe slogan with Breathe Easy: Dont Break the Law.
In other words: Do what we say or die.
This seems like a good time for the Molinari institute to premiere a new button:
Get the button here.
I was recently interviewed, by James Corbett of the Corbett Report, on the subject of my 1993 article Whos the Scrooge? Libertarians and Compassion.
The podcast is now online here.
I recently participated in a Liberty Matters online discussion on Herbert Spencer, with George H. Smith, Alberto Mingardi, and David M. Levy, and edited by Sheldon Richman. Read it here.
If you missed last years Liberty Matters discussion of Gustave de Molinari, with me, Gary Chartier, Matt Zwolinski, David D. Friedman, and David M. Hart, check it out here.
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