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A Sudden Desire to Hide From the View of the Rider

When the 1977 Rankin-Bass animated version of The Hobbit was released on dvd, the soundtrack was famously messed up with some sound effects missing. So I was pleased recently to see a “remastered deluxe edition” advertised (fixing the soundtrack, presumably), along with a similarly remastered edition of their version of Return of the King. (Alas, hideous and inaccurate cover art – compare it with the more accurate representations on the back – and no blu-ray.) They were listed at 17.98 each, with a release date of July 22nd. So I pre-ordered them.

Shortly thereafter, I noticed that their Amazon pages have changed from “Available for pre-order&#148 to “Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available,” with prices no longer listed. Not sure what’s up with that.

Click the pics for enhanced magnitude:

Medium-Sized Robot!

I remember watching this show, and particularly this closing scene, on tv sometime between 1972 and 1974 (i.e. ages 8-10). It caused “Giant Robot!” to become permanently embedded in my vocabulary.

I also remember thinking (not precisely in these words) that if the proportion of explosion-caused-by-destroying-the-monster to explosion-caused-by destroying-the-monster’s-fingernail is no greater than the proportion of the monster to its fingernail, the bigger explosion wouldn’t be enough to destroy the Earth.

In other news, the following promos look generally promising:

Call for Papers: Alabama Philosophical Society

And now another CFP, this one for the Alabama Philosophical Society meeting in Pensacola, October 10-11; submission deadline August 1st. Note also the undergrad essay contest (Alabama students only), which pays $100 plus one night’s stay at the conference hotel. More info here.

Call for Abstracts: Libertarianism and Privilege

Call for Abstracts

for the Molinari Society’s Year 11 Symposium to be held in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting, December 27-30, 2014, in Philadelphia.

Symposium Topic:
Libertarianism and Privilege

Submission Deadline:
26 May 2014

In recent years, “privilege” has become the default model for most of the Left’s critical discussion of structural oppression, resistance, and challenges to social justice. Critical discourse today recognizes many forms of structural social privilege, including white privilege, male privilege, and privilege based on heterosexuality, gender identity, and economic or political class. Privilege is said not only to touch on political power but also to have interpersonal and epistemic dimensions – informing social interactions and cultural expressions, and raising concerns about the position of social critics and limitations or distortions of knowledge.

In addition, the relationship between libertarianism and privilege has begun to attract increased interest, both within and beyond libertarian circles. Libertarianism has been described both as essentially an opposition to privilege, and as essentially a rationalization of privilege. Does libertarian theory have the resources to address questions of structural privilege – especially those forms of social privilege that do not appear to derive from state action? Should it address such questions? What unique insights or contributions might it offer to critical discussions of privilege? How might an account of structural social privilege modify or develop libertarian approaches?

Abstracts should be submitted for the 2014 Symposium by 26 May, 2014. Submissions from any point of view are welcome. Please submit an abstract only if you expect to be able to present the paper in person at the Symposium. (Final papers should be of appropriate scope and length to be presented within 15-30 minutes.) Submitting authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers by 31 May, 2014.

Submit abstracts as e-mail attachments, in Word .doc format, PDF, or ODT, to

For any questions or information, contact Roderick T. Long at the above email address.

Skye’s the Limit

The remark I want to make contains a SPOILER for last night’s episode of Agents of SHIELD, so I’ve buried it in the comments section.

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