Just saw Thor, which was a lot of fun. Tom Hiddleston really stole the movie as Loki (and the script gave him a nicely ambiguous role to play). Jotunheim looked cool. (Well, it looked like a cross between Mordor and the White Witchs palace, but that seems about right.) The cameos for Straczynski and Lee were a hoot. And the post-credits sequence promises more good fun to come. (I have a comment on the post-credits sequence, but since itd be a spoiler for those who havent seen Thor yet, Ill put it in the comments section.)

My only real gripes were: a) Natalie Portman seemed a bit lackluster closer to her Star Wars performance than to her much better V for Vendetta and (I gather) Black Swan performances.
And b) why cant they bother to pronounce Norse names correctly? I can see why they might not want to depart from the familiar pronunciation of Odin, but why not go authentic for Heimdall, Jotunheim, Mjöllnir, etc.? (Still, at least they didnt have the Asgardians massacring Elizabethan English the way the comics do. Just how hard is it to learn the differences between ye and you, thou and thee, and doth and dost?)
While were on the subject of things Norse-related, I recently recalled, in a comment thread on how the filming of Tolkiens Silmaterial might be handled, the short animated film of Beowulf from 1998, voiced by inter alia Derek Jacobi and Joseph Fiennes. Its the most faithful adaptation of Beowulf I know of, and I think the animation style is beautiful. Check it out:
And now, back to Thor: