Gary Chartiers excellent book Conscience of an Anarchist has been available for a couple of months, but Im only getting around to plugging it now. Plug, plug.
Some endorsements:
Im absolutely giddy about The Conscience of an Anarchist; this book could electrify a generation! Brad Spangler (Center for a Stateless Society)
Given the popular myth that anarchists are masked kids in Circle-A T-shirts smashing windows, this book couldnt have come at a better time. Clear and easy to understand, its the best basic explication of anarchist ideas since Alexander Berkmans The ABC of Anarchism. Kevin A. Carson (author, The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand)
The best of the political conscience books. Stephan Kinsella (Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom)
Anarchism, it has been said, is the radical notion that other people are not your property. Gary Chartier eloquently demonstrates that, far from being a recipe for disorder as the centers of power self-servingly wish us to believe anarchism is rather the surest foundation for social cooperation, freedom, prosperity, and peace. Sheldon Richman (author, Tethered Citizens)