The other night on tv I heard Chuck Hagel expressing his hope that US/Russia arms talks would be the first step toward a nuclear-free universe. (Good luck convincing the Vlhurgs.)
I also heard a Senator or Rep, whose name I didnt catch, insisting that health care policy should focus on wellness prevention.
Sounds like the Senator is having tremendous difficulty with his lifestyle.
Yeah. He’s so addicted to schadenfreude, he wants it legislated.
Hagel must be the worst psychopath since Thanos. If he wants a nuclear-free universe, he’d have to want to destroy all stars, including our own.
He also wants to destroy the nuclei of all atoms.
Could i suggest that we simply create a politician-free universe?
LOL. Reminds me of a recent quote by some politician promising that we will have zero carbon on the planet by 20xx.