Tag Archives | Thank You Please May I Have Another

Evil Reigns at DC

Comics readers – have you been a tad puzzled over how to keep the continuity straight in DC’s latest, ongoing universe-wide crisis – with, for example, Batman fighting crime as usual in one comic, M.I.A. in another comic, and M.I.A. for an entirely different reason in yet another comic?

Final Crisis - The Day Evil WonYou’ll get no reassurance from these comments by Grant Morrison about the continuity problems between Final Crisis and the series leading into it:

Why didn’t Superman recount his experiences from DOTNG [= Death of the New Gods]? Because those experiences hadn’t been thought up or written when I completed Final Crisis #1. If there was only me involved, Orion would have been the first dead New God we saw in a DC comic, starting off the chain of events that we see in Final Crisis.

As it is, the best I can do is suggest that the somewhat contradictory depictions of Orion and Darkseid’s last-last-last battle that we witnessed in Countdown and DOTNG recently were apocryphal attempts to describe an indescribable cosmic event.

Fake AnarkyTo reiterate, hopefully for the last time, when we started work on Final Crisis, J.G. and I had no idea what was going to happen in Countdown or Death Of The New Gods because neither of those books existed at that point. The Countdown writers were later asked to ‘seed’ material from Final Crisis and in some cases, probably due to the pressure of filling the pages of a weekly book, that seeding amounted to entire plotlines veering off in directions I had never envisaged, anticipated or planned for in Final Crisis.

So, I wonder what DC pays its editorial staff? It’s clearly either way too little or way too much.

In related news, there’s some frustrating intel on Anarky; it counts as a spoiler so I’ll bury it in the comments section.

Meet the New Boss

Bushbama “Understand where the vision for change comes from, first and foremost. It comes from me. That’s my job.”

– Barack Obama, 11/26/08.

Reports do not mention whether the president-elect then added, “Because I’m the decider. Heh heh.”

For some reason this Bastiat quote keeps coming to mind.

These Deaths Have Been Brought To You By The Number Eleven

Everything you need to know about Veterans Day – from Bill Anderson:

Flag Eagle! At 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, 90 years ago today, the fighting on the Western Front stopped. What most people do not know is that because the generals wanted the 11-11-11 slot, there was another 11 on 11-11-1918: thousands of men, including my great uncle, Ralph Cowell, fell that day. Ralph was one of 320 Americans to lose his life before 11 a.m.

There needed to be no fighting that day. The Germans had agreed to pull back, and everyone was anxious for the fighting to end. But that was not good enough for the powers that be, who wanted to do something cute with the number 11.

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