Tag Archives | Rand

Across the Surface of Measureless Grey

The Biloxi Fault?

If you’re in the Auburn area tomorrow (Feb. 22), drop by the Gnu’s Room (the bookshop/coffeeshop at the corner of Gay & Samford, next to Amsterdam Café) from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for coffee and philosophy. The AU Philosophy Club is hosting a public forum on the philosophy of colour; I’ll be on the panel, arguing that Ayn Rand’s theory of colour is too Kantian.

Here’s the poster for the event; kudos to anyone who can identify a) who the person depicted in the poster is, and b) why he was chosen for the poster. (Charles Johnson and David Gordon are not eligible.)

Anarchists Under Ron Paul’s Bed

Karl Hess & Murray Bookchin

One of the makers of the Anarchism in America video (about which I’ve previously blogged) has a piece up at HoughPough on Ron Paul, Libertarianism, and the Anarchist Connection. Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner, Ezra Heywood, Angela Heywood, Emma Goldman, Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Karl Hess, and Murray Bookchin all get name-checked.

The friendly words quoted from Bookchin do not reflect his later views (on which I’ve blogged glancingly).

Atlas Shrunk, Part 9: Atlas Shrugs Again; So Do I

It’s been announced (timed to coincide with Rand’s birthday) that part 2 of the Atlas film trilogy is going ahead.

Atlas Shrugged

I wish I could be excited about this. But I found part 1 so lackluster that I haven’t even bought the dvd yet, despite having spent decades fantasising about an Atlas film. (I’ve probably missed my chance to get the now-recalled dvd box with the blurb praising “Ayn Rand’s timeless novel of courage and self-sacrifice.”) Rand is such an intensely cinematic writer, and the film over and over turns away from her cinematic choices (even in cases where constraints of time and budget would have permitted following them) in favour of something less interesting.

Still and all, I’m mildly pleased that the project will continue. I guess I prefer a completed mediocre Atlas adaptation to an uncompleted mediocre Atlas adaptation.

Frisbee: Who Needs It

More juvenilia: Ayn Rand Writes Worthless Book, a parody, directed at both Randians and anti-Randians, on the occasion of the posthumous publication of Rand’s Philosophy: Who Needs It – so 1982, age 18, the height of my Randian period.

And if this is what I was writing at the height of my Randian period, I suppose it’s no surprise that I ended up drifting from apostolic purity.

Atlas Shrunk, Part 8: Cover Story

I see that the dvd for the Atlas Shrugged movie is actually being advertised with an attractive and intriguing poster. See it in high detail here.

A pity that the poster for the movie wasn’t more like this. Frankly, the movie poster doesn’t even look like a movie poster; it looks more like some sort of generic announcement.

Atlas posters, good and bad

Unfortunately, it’s not clear that the new poster represents the actual dvd cover. Certainly it ain’t the special edition cover.

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