Tag Archives | Online Texts


For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched This Guy

Shawn Wilbur continues to post amazing stuff, including a couple of 1869 pieces from feminist Jenny d’Hericourt: “Morality and the Sexes” and “Woman’s Rights in France.”

Also posted: Shawn’s translation of a 1721 work with the irresistible title An Account of a Voyage from the Arctic to the Antarctic Pole by Way of the Center of the Earth. (Bear in mind that this was before Holberg’s Niels Klim’s Journey Underground, Casanova’s Icosaméron, and Symmes’ Symzonia; before Poe’s “MS. Found in a Bottle,” “Descent into the Maelstrom,” and Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym; before Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth and Burroughs’ Pellucidar series.)

Soirées Online

A preliminary draft of Liberty Fund’s new translation of Molinari’s 1849 Soirées on the Rue Saint-Lazare – a series of dialogues between a libertarian (representing the author’s viewpoint), a conservative, and a state-socialist – is now online.

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