If you enjoy the Center for a Stateless Societys commentaries (and if youre lucky enough to be above water financially), please consider donating to the C4SS first quarter fundraiser, which looks to be falling short. Otherwise youll only have half as much anarchy ….
Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS
The APEEan Way Leads to Caesar’s Palace
The schedule is up for this coming Aprils Las Vegas APEE conference at which Gary Chartier, Steve Horwitz, Charles Johnson, Sheldon Richman, and I will be holding forth at our panel on Free-Market Anti-Capitalism (whatever that is).
Note that the venue has changed from Ballys to Caesars. I dont know the reason, but Im glad of it, since Ill probably be staying at the other end of the strip, and itll be easier to take the bus straight down the strip to Caesars rather than first taking it to Caesars, then taking the overpass to the other side of the street, and finally taking the boom tube to Ballys. (Plus I confess Im fond of the Forum Shops at Caesars, with their fake-sky ceilings perpetually cycling between day and night boldly straddling, like so many things in Vegas, that treacherous line between the charming and the tacky.)
In related news, I see that they have a number of 7:40 a.m. sessions. Im grateful that ours isnt one of them.
Down With Capitalism! Or At Least With “Capitalism”!
For a sneak preview of our upcoming APEE panel on free-market anti-capitalism, check out Gary Chartier here and here, Steve Horwitz here and here, and Sheldon Richman here.
C4SS Welcomes Darian Worden, Promotes Tom Knapp
C4SS announces additional staff member and a promotion.

Darian Worden and Tom Knapp
AUBURN, ALABAMA January 1, 2010 Center for a Stateless Society The Center for a Stateless Society announced personnel changes today, with the addition of Darian Worden as the third C4SS News Analyst and promotion of Thomas L. Knapp to Senior News Analyst.
Worden becomes the Centers sixth paid part-time staff member. C4SS Director Brad Spangler said Darian is a rising young talent among anarchist writers and activists. When some angel donors came to us with a proposal to make earmarked contributions to pay for his first quarter of work with the Center, we pounced on it immediately.
Darian Worden is an individualist anarchist writer with experience in libertarian activism. His fiction includes Bring a Gun To School Day and the forthcoming Trade War. His essays and other works can be viewed at his personal website. He also hosts an internet radio show, Thinking Liberty, on PatriotRadio.com.
The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the State. The Institute takes its name from Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), originator of the theory of Market Anarchism. The Center for a Stateless Society is the Molinari Institutes media center.
Brad Spangler
Center for a Stateless Society
Fugitive and Cloistered
Im back from New York, which was fun (though, toward the end, unusually cold). Our IP session went well, and later that day Charles and I had a good time being interviewed by Darian Worden, Tennyson McCalla, and Bile of Thinking Liberty, and hanging out with them afterward. I also went with friends to see the Cloisters, which was really beautiful.
I had excellent meals at Barney Greengrass and Pastis, a pretty good meal at Evergreen, and an absolutely dreadful meal at the Heavenly Bamboo Pavilion.
Now I need to start preparing for classes and my Phoenix trip.
In other news, Robert Wicks has a great post (CHT Manuel Lora) on the lessons to be drawn from the Case of the Underpants Bomber.
In still other news, you gotta love this euphemistic description: a fatal shooting that involved officers (Ill leave it to you to guess the nature of the police officers involvement.)
Best wishes to all for a happy and stateless new year!
Hark the Herald Angels
Greetings from New York! I can now announce the location of Tuesdays 11:15 Molinari Symposium: its in the Herald meeting room (7th floor), New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway.