Freeman editor and left-libertarian comrade Sheldon Richman will be on Glenn Becks show this afternoon; details here. Alas, I will miss it; I hope it gets onto the Intertube.
Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian
Advocatus Diaboli
Fazil Mihlar has an article in the Vancouver Sun titled Saint Wal-Mart?. (Conical hat tip to LRC.) The question mark is superfluous its the usual right-libertarian hagiography of Wal-Mart.
He includes his e-mail at the end of the article, so I wrote him the following note:
I read your article on Wal-Mart with interest. But I think youve left out one important source of Wal-Mart’s low prices government intervention.
Wal-Mart stores frequently acquire their land by eminent domain; in other words, they get to acquire land at lower prices than those at which the owners would be willing to sell voluntarily.
Once in business, such stores further benefit from various sorts of corporate welfare, both the direct kind and such indirect forms as the mass of regulations that have the indirect effect of making it harder for small companies to compete with big ones. As companies grow, diseconomies of scale eventually surpass economies of scale, placing a natural curb on their growth; but government regulation, by stalling competition, allows companies to continue growing past this point by externalising their costs.
Moreover, Wal-Marts entire business model depends heavily on federal transportation subsidies; so its competition with local businesses doesnt exactly occur on a level playing field.
Both Wal-Marts critics and its defenders usually see it as an embodiment of the free market. But to me Wal-Mart looks like just one more special interest feeding at the taxpayers trough.
Im opposed to Wal-Mart because I like the free market.
If others want to mail him, hes at
They Really Give Nobel Prizes Away Like Candy These Days
Once again, Bob Murphy explains why Paul Krugmans criticisms of Austrian Business Cycle theory are a bust.
The Evil Dead
Recent changes in my blog (necessitated by the fact that the .net version wasnt updating) unfortunately make all links to into dead links; only works at the moment. Well, not dead exactly but links to anything on just go directly to the main page. Alas, when I got this blog it was the .net version of the address that I distributed far and wide (I think thats why my posts havent been showing up at lately, for example). So if youve got links or RSS feeds pointing to the .net version of this blog, you might want to change them to .com.
Float Time, Part 2
First the London Times, and now Cato! Patri Friedman is giving a talk at Cato on the Seasteading project; it will be broadcast live online. Theres also a Facebook page for the event. Congratulations, Patri!
And on the general subject of Patri and seasteading, see Joel Scholsbergs recent comment as well.
We Need Better People In Power!
How do you avoid this kind of nightmare scenario?
The Dallas Police Chiefs only answer was to hire people with common sense and good people skills.
No. The answer is to restore equality of rights between police officers and ordinary people. As long as one group of people has rights another group doesnt, theres no way to ensure reliable safeguards against the first groups abusive treatment of the second.