Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian

Hydroelectric Power

How soon before we hear a petition from the candlemakers power companies against unfair competition from the sun water bottles?

(CHT Charles.)


Anarchism/Minarchism e-bookI see that there’s an e-book available of our Anarchism/Minarchism anthology. It has a different cover (somewhat reminiscent of the hyperspace sequence in 2001) and everything.

But it costs exactly as much as the print edition. What’s up with that?

And, um, why does the blurb describe it as a book on Neoplatonic philosophy of mind?


Ken MacLeod’s left-libertarian “Fall Revolution” cycle, whose praises I’ve previously sung, is now back in print in two volumes: Fractions (comprising The Star Fraction and The Stone Canal) and Divisions (comprising The Cassini Division and The Sky Road).

Ken MacLeod's Fall Revolution

If you like anarchism, Scottish pubs, intelligent computer programs, political subversion, high-tech immortality, libertarian in-jokes, government conspiracies, anti-government conspiracies, stuff blowing up, and endless debates among different flavours of political radicals – and of course you do – then check it out.

Gun Rights Versus Secession!

The Mohawks want to ban guns in their territory. Canadian border agents want to carry them. Details here.

A simple solution: the Mohawks should secede from Canada and the U.S. Next, any gun-friendly Mohawks should then secede from the seceders. There, all solved.

Well, I didn’t say the implementation would be simple ….

Free Minds! Free Markets! Free Parking!

Although this article on the Free State Project is partly (albeit not entirely) hostile, it still seems like fairly good publicity.

I thought it was amusing that the Globe considers it “bizarre” to protest intrusive government by publicly performing manicures without a license – but doesn’t seem to find it bizarre that there is such a legal offense as performing manicures without a license.

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