Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian

ParALLax View

What the Alliance of the Libertarian Left looks like to right-libertarians:

rioters burning stuff

What the Alliance of the Libertarian Left looks like to social anarchists:

capitalist exploiters

What the Alliance of the Libertarian Left looks like to pan-secessionists:

Sweet Transvestite

Çatal Chattel No More

Yabba Dabba Anarchy!Check out Ken MacLeod’s discussion of possible evidence for a Neolithic revolution that may have replaced a sanguinary theocracy with a non-hierarchical society that lasted for the next three millennia.

While one must be wary of succumbing to wishful thinking when evaluating such hypotheses, it’s certainly interesting. Plus it’s nice to see Çatalhöyük spelled correctly for a change. Outside of Turkey, Höyük is frequently, and used to be almost invariably, spelled Hüyük – a most unlikely spelling given how Turkish syllable formation works. (I don’t remember much of the Turkish I once learned, but I remember that much!)

Farewell to a Master

Robert McNamaraCheck out Jesse Walker’s thoughts on the late Robert McNamara.

I’m reminded of Brian Doherty’s review of McNamara’s memoirs in which Brian said (unfortunately the review doesn’t seem to be online so I’m relying on memory) something like “at this point I’m tempted to quote a few lines from ‘Masters of War,’ but hey, the guy has family.”

The Caucus Race

Alice and the DodoAn LP Anarchist Caucus has just formed.

I’m not a big fan of the “five key points” – taken literally, there’s a couple of them that I actually disagree with, and taken humorously, they’re just not especially funny. But hey, I’ll join. See also Tom’s comments.

I’m still waiting for someone to take Brad up on his suggestion of a Libertarian Socialist Caucus ….

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