Tag Archives | Left and Right

Keith Preston Hopefully Not Victorious

left-libertarianism means pledging allegiance to Karl Marx Keith Preston, whose prize-winning essay on plutocracy occasioned some heated exchanges in this space a month ago, likes the economic aspects of left-libertarianism but isn’t so jazzed about the cultural aspects, at least in the version advocated by Charles Johnson and myself.

Keith’s newest essay “Should Libertarianism Be Cultural Leftism Without the State?” criticises our perspective.

I don’t have time to respond right now, but will soon (though I suspect my reply will mostly be refritos of stuff I’ve said before).

Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Quarta

Cato Institute building with Alliance of the Libertarian Left logo superimposedNow up at Cato Unbound: my latest response to Yglesias and Baker, Horwitz’s latest response to Yglesias, and most recently my response to Peter Klein, Will Wilkinson, and J. H. Huebert and Walter Block.

Charles Johnson also has a reply to Walter and Huebert up; I sent in my response before I saw Charles’s, but we ended up making similar points.

I hope Yglesias responds before things wind up; he’s only spoken twice so far.

Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Tertia

Cato Institute building with Alliance of the Libertarian Left logo superimposedMy response is up at Cato Unbound, along with further responses by Steve Horwitz, Dean Baker, and Matthew Yglesias. Yet another response from me should be up tomorrow morning (well, today morning now).

Other responses to our debate are also popping up across the web, including contributions by Peter Klein, Will Wilkinson, and most recently J. H. Huebert and Walter Block. (The latter offers a rather odd interpretation of one of Charles Johnson’s blog posts.)

I plan to reply to these as well. But not tonight!

Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Secunda

The latest round of dialogue on my anti-corporatism piece is up on Cato Unbound.

Matthew Yglesias’s response:

SUMMARY: In his response to Roderick Long, Matthew Yglesias argues that although corporations naturally seek to win special privileges from the state, libertarianism is far from the obvious solution to the problem. Instead, he reiterates the charge that libertarians often act as corporate apologists and suggests that the net effect of any “free market” advocacy will tend strongly toward corporate power. Cato Institute building with Alliance of the Libertarian Left logo superimposed Liberals may have much to learn from libertarians on certain issues and in some policy areas, but the laissez-faire solution to corporate political influence is unworkable.

Steven Horwitz’s response:

SUMMARY: Steven Horwitz offers several examples of so-called “de-regulation” that only served to benefit corporations, while leaving the government, and therefore the taxpayers, to shoulder the risks of the market. He argues that market competition is a form of regulation, albeit a kind worth wanting, as it forces corporations to respond to consumer demand and punishes them when they fail to meet it. He takes issue with Roderick Long’s lead essay by arguing that “playing defense,” that is, defending today’s corporations when they act consonantly with a fully freed market, is a valuable part of libertarian advocacy; one must nonetheless take issue with these same corporations when they violate the principles of laissez faire, and distinguish carefully between these cases.

Dean Baker’s response:

SUMMARY: In his response essay, Dean Baker declines to tally up a “score” of how well libertarians, or other groups, have defended a truly impartial, laissez faire economy. Instead, he suggests intellectual property as an obvious area where libertarians must challenge corporate power to distort the market. Patents that make health care more expensive and copyrights that artificially restrict whole areas of our culture are obviously concessions to corporatism, and the “extraordinary abuses” undertaken to enforce these privileges should be vigorously challenged. Although libertarianism has been skeptical of both patents and copyrights, Baker suggests that this is an area deserving still further attention, and one in which liberals could perhaps become solid allies.

Randal O’Toole’s, Jerry Taylor’s, and Timothy Lee’s responses to the respondents:

SUMMARY: The discussion this month has focused to a greater than usual degree on the activities of certain Cato Institute policy scholars. The editors thought it appropriate to solicit responses, and we present them here in their entirety.

My own response to the respondents:

TITLE: Keeping Libertarian, Keeping Left

Dean Baker’s response to me and to Timothy Lee:

TITLE: On State Funding and Innovation

My response to Timothy Lee and to Dean Baker:

TITLE: Owning Ideas Means Owning People

(This last isn’t posted yet but should be up shortly.)

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